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1-1 Sessions
Shine your Soul

Claire provides ClearTransmissions® to those feeling burdened, overwhelmed, disconnected and unclear; to heal through past pain, patterns and traumas so you can come away feeling lighter, self-loving, empowered and ready to move forwards on your true soul path with increased clarity.

Join Claire on a deep journey of true self-discovery, self-mastery and Soul Leadership 💝

Before Registering!

This is a Deep and Powerful Cleansing Process, only for those ready to self-discover, explore your shadows, let go of situations, behaviours and patterns not serving you, commit to a path of personal truth and self-love.


I strongly advise to make sure you prepare and have integration time following Clear Transmissions and to use the Clear Tools EBook - Rise, Shine & Align (I will give you a free copy plus meditations) for maintenance of your new energy field.


See below for more information on how to prepare and what to expect.

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Client feedback

Annemeike Maria, Amsterdam

Claire is a sparkle  a true gem and powerful light, with unique gifts and abilities to clear, dissolve, transmute, strengthen, channel, and empower us! 

It truly starts the moment you say YES to a session with her! 
I felt and experienced tremendous changes from before and after the sessions! It was life changing for me.

After the sessions I felt how much ‘garbage’ I was actually carrying with me and how heavy that was. It was so clear how much this was blocking my vision, clarity of my path, my connection with Source and the ability to connect with my internal guidance.

During the session I experienced her full support and felt very seen and heard. Claire is fully present, starts clearing right away, and she go’s to the root of the question.

The session brought a very fresh, open vision, I felt lighter, deeply connected, and stronger in myself and with Source. It was transformative, no more energy spend on the old! From that moment my healing journey took a whole different direction. From being sick and depressed for months, to feeling juicy, alive and connected. (I get tears now again). 
The session brought so much relief, an ocean of openness and lightness. So much clarity feels amazing and life can unfold in magical ways again!

The clear tools are treasures for my ‘practice bible’. Practicing the tools show time and time again they clear up the space on a deep level.

Very Grateful Claire! 

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Clear Transmissions - Session Details

Claire provides you with the perfect opportunity to relax and receive whilst seeing, expressing and releasing all that you are ready to let go of; clearing and transforming the underlying layers of stagnant energy and disconnections from spirit and your true authentic self, enabling your efforts towards health and wholeness to enjoy the fullest benefits. 

Sessions are given in person and remotely, face to face online; Skype, Zoom or by phone, which can be done anywhere in the world, instantaneously, and is as effective energetically as in person.

The Clear Transmissions is a process that brings physical transformations, emotional breakthroughs, mental clarity and spiritual alignment.

You will feel increasingly:

✓Clear on your life path

✓Peace of mind

✓Healthy in your physical body

✓Reconnected with your spirit

This will also provide you with the abilities to access:


✓Self-Empowered Healing

✓Tap into your Internal Navigation System

✓Super Powers, Personal Gifts & Abilities..

Session Details

The Answers You Need

What are the session options?

You can come with a specific intention, need and request or you can surrender to receiving exactly what is for your fullest potential at this time. 

INVEST IN YOUR SELF - Transform & Upgrade your Energy, Transform & Upgrade your Life! 

Each session option is a Shamanic Journey. We may meet for just a couple of hours but the whole process starts when you book in and internal & external shifts may continue for months and even years later. Claire provides a variety of further support that you can choose. 

Session durations:

  • 1.5 hours 

  • 3 hours 

  • 2 Days C.T Intensive Upgrade 

  • Post Clear Transmissions support sessions - Necessary - 1 hour  

  • Ongoing Sessions for regular support, balance and upgrades 

  • Claire Provides 3, 6 and 12 month Customised Packages to support you

  • 10 Session packages are available 
    BE CONNECTED to the true YOU, relationships and spirit, whilst living your purpose, full of health, clarity, passion and JOY. 

  • All sessions include a FREE Copy of my EBook - Rise, Align & Shine plus ClearTransmissions Meditations to support your integration process following the session. See more here

  • Book in for a free consultation to tune in to which package is best suited for you. Claire will only offer to work with you if she feels clear that you are ready and that she can best help you with your needs and desires. 

What do I need to do before a session?

The Session and Shifts within you begin as soon as you book in and payment is made.

 The process begins, energy starts to move, emotions arise and insights start to come through....I do recommend to tune in and write your intentions before the session if possible. This can include; what you would like to let go of, transform, upgrade and what you would like to call in, embody, express, live. You can also surrender to what wants to come through during the session. 

Eat healthy and listen to your body's needs. Some people like to fast before a session, others need some grounding food to support them through the process.

I recommend limiting caffeine and no alcohol before or after the session (this can cause headaches, unclarity and a physical detox which can disturb your process).

If you are receiving a remote Zoom or Skype session then you can choose to create a comfortable, private, sacred space (light candles, incense, crystals etc if you wish) where you can lie down and will not be disturbed. Drink (blessed) water before your session and make sure you have plenty of (cleansed) water for straight after your session.

What do I need to do during the session?

To begin we will discuss your intentions and anything you wish to share that has been coming up for you. I will be working in and reading your field energetically the whole duration of the session. 

We always set up a secure sacred transformative space, a grounded safe container, so you can fully drop in. The process of healing is an act of receptivity. All that you need to do during the session is be yourself, relax and allow the pure frequencies to flow through you. 

During the session, memories, images, emotions, pains and ideas/inspirations may arise. It is a safe space for you to express anything that arises, this may be words, sounds, emotions, movement - ALL IS WELCOME. Or you may go on such a deep inner journey and 'fall asleep' / go into a trance. No two journeys are like. What comes up for you is what you need to release and to experience at this point in your journey.


All that is necessary during the session is to allow any impressions to rise and flow through you. Blocked emotions are released, unhealthy habits and patterns become loosened, and you are brought to a clearer understanding of the actions necessary for the way forward.

What do I need to do after a session?

We will discuss how the session went and I will share with you what I channeled throughout, the guidance that came through and assist you with anything required. It can take your field some time to accommodate the new energetic formation.
Rest, healthy food, and presence are required to aid in the process.
I provide daily exercises to ground and clear your field, as well as certain techniques for establishing a strong energy field, releasing imbalances, and maintaining a healthy etheric structure. During the period immediately after the session, I recommend you to use these Clear Tools daily to allow your field to restructure completely without interference. This is an important part of the process as deep energies are arising, shifting and releasing.

Following the Clear Transmission’s Upgrade process

Once the energy field is cleared, the scattered spirit/soul is brought together and united into a coherent whole. The etheric body is transformed to one, the spirit energy of the mental body becomes localised very close to the body, and the relationship between body and spirit begins to deepen.

Over time your spirit then begins to integrate fully with every cell of your body. Some call this the crystallisation process as we are becoming human crystals, vibrating and radiating pure crystal frequencies. Your body’s cells literally re-order themselves and release all energy that does not resonate with the manifestation of the higher will. This allows you to draw and hold this frequency in the three dimensional form at a cellular level.

This causes all energetic imbalances in your life to rise to the surface; they are attracted into your reality at an accelerated rate. This provides the opportunity to release and balance these obstructions and energetic interferences with your new energetic template downloaded in the Clear Transmission.

This then allows the energy of your spirit to be brought more fully into the functional field of awareness and intention.

This is not an easy process; it requires dedication to the purpose of awakening, living your moment to moment truth and the willingness to maintain your energy field on a daily basis. The length of time it takes is very different for everyone, and the evolution of our being and planet always continues. If you are willing to take this joyful challenge on, your spiritual and personal development will be hugely accelerated, helping you to step forward into self-realization and move along the path of awakening.

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